Friday, December 27, 2013


Aim : 

1) To determine the percentage loss of weight of tablets.
2) To determine the physical strength of tablets upon exposure to mechanical shock or atrrition.

Introduction :

            Friability is defined as the percentage of weight loss by tablets due to mechanical action during the test. The tablets are weighed before and after testin. The friability is expressed as a percentage loss on pre test tablet weight. Friability refers to the ability of the compressed tablet to avoid fracture and breaking during the transport. It is related to tablet harness and is designed to evaluate the ability of tablet to withstand aberration in packing, handling and shipping. It is measured by the use of friablity tester

Apparatus and Materials :

Paralgin tablets, weighing boat, drum of the tablet abration and friability tester.

Procedures :
  1. 10 tablets were selected and weighed.
  2. The tablets were put into the drum of the tablet abration and friability tester. The rate of rotation was set to 25 rpm, time to 10 minutes and the operation was started.
  3. At the end of the operation, all the tablets were removed and freedom from dust or powder was ensured (brush was used). The tablets were reweighed. The percentage loss of weight was determined.
  4. Compressed tablet should nor lose more than 1% of its weight.

Results and Calculations : 

Discussion :

Conclusion :

            As a conclusion, the weight difference between before and after the tablet friability operation is 6.8212 g – 6.6935 = 0.1277 g. The percentage loss of weight is 1.87% and it is more than 1% of it should be. This may happened because of the expiry date of the tablets.

References :


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